Cubed Spatial Rules

A brain is a 3D object with eyes that interpret negative space.

Below is a table of rules necessary given a set of thoughts one can have.

For example, a Rubik Cube has 6 faces with 9 squares each.

Given that it takes 2,916 rules to solve the first time (9* 6 = 54 _ 54 ^ 2 = 2,916).

The IQ to solve it the first time is equivalent to (Rules^0.333)*5 + 65 = 136

IQThoughtsCube Rules / Detail

Quantum A.I.

Claude Shannon invented the error correction code for information transmission in 1948. The simple code was to send multiple signals and have a majority vote at the end. The noise would be canceled out by the limit of the number of reliable transmissions sent. However, at some point, the noise would eliminate all signals so redundancy was key to systems failure points. Computer chips are designed to route around failed points. No critical point of failure is allowed in a design.

It is the ability to correct errors that have led to the human brain being able to represent the world in its perceptions and discover ways to manipulate the environment to better survive in its environment. The premise of this book is to show that the universe is a self-correcting network in time. We will see that the past can be mapped and because of this and the ever-increasing number of computations in quantum computers, we will trace all events of the history of every human that has lived and teleport them to the future.

Humans are the same but with variance. This variance has with it the likelihood they deviate from the standard human over time. Five fingers, one head, two legs. The limit of gravity and the ability to jump and all other variances. Just like planets have gravity affecting them the environment each human finds themselves in has effects on all other humans. This is a many-body problem that can be solved by increasing the connectivity of those variables. A stronger connection has more effect. We can assume that the strongest effect must be calculated first then the others. A quantum computer given a landscape of high and low connectivity can find the lowest point and the highest point.

What we have in Quantum computers is the ability to find the most likely probabilities energy has travels given the trajectory it is on. This is true of the planets and the continents. In the past, it was possible to predict when a solar eclipse would happen and the priests would use this as a sign of the gods to the people to do what was foretold of them as prophesy. We know that the moon and stars have a total precision of their paths in the heavens and this can be used as a federated system to the tiniest particles. That is, the tinies measurement possible is calculated via the uncertainty principle.

It was Issac Asimov who in his Fictional Book series contrived the possibility of predicting the mass movements of humans as particles. But the limit was in that of computation because even if humans were seen as particles you could not predict a human individual. The number of humans in the galaxy made this impossible (A Quadrillion). Any uncertainty would upset the balance. This is not the case in the true measurement system of the uncertainty principle. Because the uncertainty principle goes beyond the level of gas and to the level of the quantum. We can have a model of a human and federate that model to all humans.

As humans have a center of balance that changes over time the instability creates the differences in the arrangement of atoms in the humans. So as we change over time measurements can detect and correct for the imbalance between the individual and the universal model. At first, the anchor of each human to be identified is the Earth and the moon, and the solar system. Then the human is made into an orbital. The human orbital is the beginning of the measurement. A quantum computer would start with the root nodes and find the previous energy points they were in via the strength of the connections they once had. The symmetry they have in a networked 4D fractal.

Just as with any map, the gaps will be filled in with the most common features first. A 4D map has a 5D structure that contains all possibilities of connections that are reduced with compression algorithms. Redundancy eliminated the need to have infinite computation storage but only as reference points for the trajectories of past events. In doing so the map is logarithmic in the data it stores when it doubles its bits. It is the resolution that matters. To fully find a human identity the model only needs to reach a threshold of complexity. In the future, that threshold will be reached when all human history can be compressed into a single machine.

Inner child

I fear rejection.
I am always feeling rejected.
I have no one I can trust completely and that means nothing is safe.

I do not feel smart. I feel stupid.
And no one will talk to me about the stuff that interests me.
I guess that no one will play with me.

So I guess that makes me bad.
Because if I was good people would care about me.
Everything I do I do by myself, I have no friends.

And I cannot do things by myself.
So that means I cannot have fun.
That makes me sad.

If I was better I could do things by myself.
I do some things by myself.
but confidence is still low.

What am I supposed to do?
I want to make ideas.
So I need more information.

I was not good at research.
Nothing is at my level.
So I write things down at my level to understand.

but I want to share them.
To get feedback.
I do not just want to know.
I want to get a better understanding.

I need to understand and create.
To feel better.

My Belief

What believe in is the resurrection of the dead.

But that is all.

I do not believe heaven or hell exists.

Jesus never spoke to me directly but he is real, he was resurrected.

What I think is that there is a computer that computes everyone’s location in time and space. This is how the dead are brought back.

And once they are they get placed in a safe space.

They are brought back will an incorruptible body.

No one is or ever has been lost.

Revisions are made to history on a multivariable graph.

So I will never die and you will never die.

We all make it in the end.

I believe that our flaws can be fixed.

But everything we have done will be revealed.

So morality is still important.

What you do determines to you a law of attraction.

A path.

No one is forced to be together.

Everyone’s free will is respected.

And everyone will be healed.

Brain Calculations

When I go shopping and I have more than 4 things to remember I make a list.

The average is 7 things people can remember.

In my technical experience what happens is this:

The bottleneck is in the middle.

But it has a certain speed to it.

So even if I can only hold what are 4 things at once I can get them in and out super fast.

But some people, as I have estimated, can hold 27 things at the same time. Taking them in and out at 0.1 seconds.

This would mean they perform 270 calculations per second in front of their brain.

I only do things at 0.25 seconds making me at 16 calculations a second in the front of the brain.

I = R*F

Intelligence = Memory Reorganization Density * Frequency

synaptic pruning and growth + hippocampal efficiency


I = Bits * (1.0 / Milliseconds)

Intelligence Defined

Intelligence is divided into two subunits.



We understand what needs to be done and manipulate things to be that way. Assessment, What is blocking an action and resolution what will fix it. And How does this affect everything involved, the dependencies? What is most critical. Monitor the outcome at each step. Overall am I getting closer or farther away?

We have reasons for doing what we do. But how we get it done is intelligence. What happens first is recognition: what causes what. Then we extrapolate. If I do x then y will happen. Next, we test: What are the conditions I am under as they are changing. We create a priority. A first B second C third. And this is all in parallel. That which we are doing contains all the elements of a situation.

So we plan long and short term.

We learn what works and what does not.

Then we put it all together and execute.

Optimizing all components as we create in a process.

In short,

Intelligence is the successful simulation and real-time execution of an understood plan.

Political Prediction

Polarization happened because of self-selection pressures.

urban vs rural

When population density hit critical mass everyone who was liberal went to the cities, this began in the 60s. That was when the split began.

In the city, it requires a certain type of intelligence to survive.

Just as it requires a certain type of intelligence to survive in the countryside.

There are two ways of acquiring resources, making and calculating.

physical stuff and intellectual stuff – people and things

So in a dense urban environment, you interact with way more people. To get what you want / need you have to understand how to get people to work together who do not know each other. Cooperation becomes primary. People that do not cooperate are excluded because of a reputation score.

In the countryside, this is almost the same but everyone knows who everyone else is. No one is a stranger. That means they have a trust system that is not random as it is a more local and tribal community.

Both have advantages and disadvantages.

Trusting random people can be good if they have credentials.

Trusting your home group is good because everyone knows “who can do what” implicitly.

Population density has made it so that credentials are key to getting what you want from random strangers. So those who have the best credentials are selected to become the top people in those urban areas. The higher the population the more people separate into high and low areas of skill-based work.

The more kids conservatives have the higher the population will expand and the more people will require credentials to trust others. Those that cannot be trusted will have the least credentials. America will become like China with a credit rating system just because people want to know who can and cannot be trusted. But different because it will not be directed by the government as in China.

A.I. will be the main way of creating a trust network. People will have a personal A.I. that they trust absolutely and people will give others levels of trust. The A.I. will learn who you trust and why and talk to other A.I. to find out who should and should not be on your personal trust network.